ART CHALLENGE! Throwback Pictures
So one of my best friends, Miks, invited me to an art challenge last week, yay! Actually, we would have pulled it off earlier if not for a situation that needed to be resolved immediately, but lo and behold, we actually did it! The prompt last week was "throwback pictures."
I was really stumped last week since my mom made me leave most of my art supplies when we were leaving for Roxas, so I was only able to bring my pens and my memory book. No pencils to sketch! I was originally planning to ask Miks to postpone the art challenge until we get back to Iloilo, but I thought "Hey, this is supposed to be an art challenge, right?" Freehand drawing will certainly spice up the challenge, and since I haven't had much practice with it, this would be the chance for me to finally do so.
This is my memory book. It's from Artwork and I actually consider it very dear to me! It's not exactly a diary full of pRECIOUS SECRETS but has plenty of other things inside: pen and pencil doodles, unfinished sketches, art fails, writings; even some photographs and letters kept in the book jacket. It has kept track of my growth since December 2015 when I received it.
Here are my materials! Sakura Pigma Professional Brush Pen Medium in Black, Uni Pin Fine Line 0.8 in Black, and... I don't actually know the brand for this 0.5 drawing pen in black (it doesn't say ._.), so if anyone knows what brand this is, please let me know?
This is the throwback picture that I used as reference for my drawing.
So I just plopped it right there and started working!
And no, the lighting was not bad at all. That was probably just my camera acknowledging my laptop light as the sUPERIOR OVERLORD to the other light source in the room? Ahahaha.
Here's the first WIP photo I took! In order to draw most of this, I used my nameless 0.5 drawing pen! I highly recommend it, but I'm clueless at the brand!
Around 60% complete? Maybe? I started crosshatching around this point.
Adding the details to her (or technically, my) hair! The eyes were already filled in.
Filling the rest of her hair (and parts of her shirt, actually) in with my brush pen!
I used my 0.8 pen to fix any last minute mistakes and add the final touches.
It wasn't exactly alike; there were many areas that really differed from the reference photo, but overall I was quite pleased with the outcome, especially since I didn't use any measurement tools or pencils.
So, yeah, that's about it. Till the next art challenge! Let me know what you think in the comments below; constructive criticism is very much appreciated.
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